Friday, November 16, 2012

Fat Cake

In the Land of OOOz
There was a Queen who wanted cake,
only the desire of cake
Velvet Cake, Chocolate Cake, Vanilla Cake
All her burning desire was cake
In the land of OOOz,
No one loved her
The Queen was the fierce about her cake; she would
anyone who touched her cake.
She described her life as a cake.
the Frosting was so bitter, it was never choosen.
the Batter was so brunt, it was never tasted.
the Cherry on top was so rotten, it was never loved.

Her life was around cake
Only Cake

Until she died
In the Land of OOOz
no one ever spoke about her.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Our Love


Ending of the World

The World is ending:
I not afraid with out my 4 people-


I shall die with you in dalamund

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Caterpillar & World

When you wake up and figure out you are a caterpillar wearing a crown.
life is so different

I shall praise the caterpillar lord to become the most
butterfly of them all.

Welcome to the world.

To my loyal fans, I have started to post some Twitch links.

All your hard work shall be pleased by the Queen herself.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I hate my next door neighbors

I do not make fucking deals with idiots
especially when your having sex

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Final Fantasy Unlimited Finished

I started watching Final Fantasy Unlimited
I got so hooked on

 I am so mother fucking raging
The series ending on a what the fuck ending
Finding out that 
Ai & Yuh are not even human
They are from Wonderland

The main reason why I fucking hate TV shows.
I got so glued on to all the characters and now it is OVER!!!
the ending leaves you with "what the fuck happened to"
The parents of Ai and Yuh

You see them all together floating on a rock
W T F!


I want to send my puppy to a new world.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I have learned exactly what Contradiction mean

it is to be an asshole-
con·tra·dic·tion [kon-truh-dik-shuh n]
1. the act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition.
2. assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial.
3. a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.
4. direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency.
5. a contradictory act, fact, etc.

I have learned something educational.

I shall say: 
I will contradict my contradiction with objection under the contradiction contradicts itself

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Four more days!

Four more days till the meteor smashes our face in Final Fantasy 14

Its about god damn time

Bad day eh?

I just did 53 Questions for my IT program and only 20 were required.
Bryan got his heart broken (my good friend)
 I am learning some tricks in the IT
I haven't bathed my dog

I want some chocolate.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


This is me!

aren't I cute

I will become a beautiful ladybug butterfly

damn right, bitches.

I got my crown.

This is what I will be dreaming

My Dream came true

So Angry!

I am so fucking mad. 
I will break your legs.

How Cute!

Lavella Nyteshade

I just got the monk relic.
Supposedly Monk is suppose to kill Misery Mistress in less than 3 minutes
I have done this dungeon with people who do not have relic and still pull out damage.

This noob, that will insult the noobs (idiot, well better suited)

Your damage is too much, we are going to kill this slow and do not run a quick run.
I pulled hate with only two weapon skills-
seriously what the fuck

Howling Fist for 2k Damage then BAM!
Bad Breathe and we all die.

At least this idiot told me that he did all his abilities to tank perfectly.

no. he just sucks.
I'm sorry.

Player Warning: Lavella Nyteshade

Ugly People

Why are ugly people ugly?
Is there some sort of ugly pattern
especially this girl in my classroom, she was fat and pregnant.
you can't even tell if she was pregnant.
I gave her a hug though
and told her 
It is okay to be ugly
I'm not ugly

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Server is down in 11 days

It is almost time to say good bye to the servers 
It is time to say good bye to sho for awhile
I shall be back! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In class

Hi everyone of my loyal fans of Final Fantasy XIV!
what is everyone doing on this fine day.
I am in the computer class with my good friend Johanna-!
I really don't enjoy this class.
 - __________ -

Monday, September 24, 2012

unfinished sphairai

Lets go spirit bond now!

the adventure begins!

lets go!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

i am back!

farming for my relic!

here we go! 

I am finally back and it is great to be back to legacy!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 4

seriously, there has been a toll
that reaches to the point of insanity with out the internet.
Someone is sitting on my favorite location for the computer and this keyboard is all sticky.
I dont even wanna think about anything what has been going on.
The librarian told me to stop typig so fast that it is disturbing the other students.
Just because i can type faster than anyone else doesn't mean you can stop my creativity.
Anyways, I need the internet back.
I migh as well just die.

Final Resolution

who are thou who says Queen Kanti that may not log in?
It is I!
Says the Queen of Excalibur,
I shall destroy thy ovaries and turn them into mush.
The Queen Kanti begins to raise the royal septor!
Ladybug Muderous Light
all shall be blessed by the divine light.
she dies.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Queen Kanti Post #2

Ladybugs, we shall prepare for war.
once again we shall be divine in our justice.
we shall prevail in the evil that purged our world.
the darkness is strong within the enemy but yet, we shall destroy them.
the soliders will get stronger,
the medics will learn more,
the knight will train the chocobos,
we all shall fight our enemies.
the plague shall be deleted from data
the 010101 the
shall be divine.
our information is lovely and quite gracious,
thy shall be divine and graceful with in the city.
we shall march our light towad the city of Ul'dah.
I shall ready the bards of our divine singing.
Queen Kanti Post

Technichian my galkan' ass

seriously, who the hell works on the wires then tells you..
oh! I need another wire, but yet, I will get it from my car.
alright, i see him in the car around 4pm est.
I see him shuffle some paperwork and suddenly drive off.
the next moment, he called us and said
"i forgot some equipment and i shall get it for you"
yeah that bitch isn't coming back. thats when i blew a gasket.
Who on their right mind will lie to a customer and ontop of that im so exhausted of not having the world connected.
do you know i have an IV patch on my arms. I feed off the data.
well on the good news, we got ourselfs a new dog from the next door neighboor.
My parent went to go complain to the lady and you see her with tiny little dogs. It multiplied from 2
to 8 then 16. seriously? what the hell.
the lady was crying telling us "I dont know what to do with these dogs?"
and she goes "ah! ha! i got an idea why not you get one of the puppies"
and it was cute!
a new dog named: Ashley.
thats pretty cute right.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Poem for the Queen and Subjects

As the Queen sit on my tuffet
I think about you. 
The long sessions we had,
When you kissed my hand and fluttered all those thoughts in my head.
The Royal Queen of Excalibur misses you.
Thy, will you miss me?
I miss you.

Whitemage, Black mage, Bard, Art'thou missed?
Yes! oh so dearly much.

I sometimes wonder if you will lead me into the castle as a knight or a king.
I sometimes wonder if you will steed the war of the castle to the Queen.
I sometimes wonder if you will precise the data for the Queen.
I sometimes wonder if you will love thy Queen.

The VIT that i miss from the knight to the King.
the STR that i miss from the Knights.
The INT that i miss from the Scholar.
Now. Forever more, we shall be united and called peace.

The pieces of my heart will always tell you how much i adore you my friends.
As the Queen sat on his Tuffet,
eating the muffin.
I saw my friends.

Would you sit down and eat some with me?

Queen Kanti of Excalibur.

Disappeared? eh!

I apologize to my fans that are in final fantasy 14.
don't you guys wanna hear from the queen posting!?
I once again apologize from this matter of fact.
how may i start?
I know! I'll do it right now!

since the hurricane we had, i haven't been able to get on the internet because it knocked out the powerlines, at first i thuoght to myself that it was merely just paying the bill..
so i called the company and i heard the message
"oh we are expericing some extremely high volume an agent will be with you in the next 20 minutes"
that right there i blew up.
I was waiting on the phone for three hours and if you hang up you lose your spot that you worked for.

seriously, what the fuck. I dont have time for that.
oh the Queen has said a nasty word! I apologize to my fans.

Now! heed the call!
The whole block that i knew was damaged from my end toward the next ending:
From Coral Cables to 122, (which you won't know what that means but its a huge area)

I have been trying to sneak through the bloggers on the school data base so i can actually speak with my loyal fans and reply to the emails.

Right now im in Biology Class, its pretty boring. The professor is nice, but still. The class is very boring for a chemist. yeah, thats right. i purchased a chemist kit when i was a child and i knew all the atoms when i was the age of 7 and i knew the functions of blowing up experiments in my face.
I thought about being a chemist, but not really.

Oh! Xenora. I miss Thy.
Oh! Hot Sauce I miss Thy.
Oh! Din! I miss /Thy!
Oh! Mad! I miss Thy.
Oh! Sniper! I miss Thy.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tampon Song!

you put your left hand in,
you put your right hand on,
you open the packet and throw it away
you shake it all around-

you gently insert it,
you slowly stop the bleeding,
you see the string
you wait a few to shake it all around-

you get the string, then you pull it out.
and thats how you get your period

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

White Raven !

White Raven Earring Obtained !

Legacy > Excalibur

Friday, August 17, 2012


seriously bitches don't fuck with me.

sho is too cute!

this made me blush for the week!

Sho has been busy with school!

oh! they are going to invade us! we shall protect all!

Gay Unicorn Action Activate!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Finished Starrod

Sho Kanti obtains Finished Starrod

2nd Relic!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

unfinished starrod

day two!

we can do it!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Unfinished Star Rod V.2.0

What do you think?
all ready there!

Unfinished Star Rod

second relic black mage!

isn't it just beautiful now its time to spirit bond!

I dont know how many pixils but Xenora will tell me!

Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm pregnant!?

Sniper! we're having a baby!

its a 

Xenora Meep!

if you really look at my budge you get 
50 achievement points!

Yukata Event!

Isn't it cute!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Boss Battle!


Never got this NM kill Achievement

I got my Star Rod for my blackmage Key item!

Congratulations for Achievement 20!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thyrus! Obtained!

Sho Kanti Obtains Thyrus!

Way to go Legacy!

Monday, July 23, 2012

In class

I'm finally in class and i can't wait to get this over with. Im in biology and i want to get rid of this class and i think the whole classroom are a bunch of idiots

but unforualy i found a simple person here

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Xenora's Ifrit

Ifrit begins to use hellfire

Sho Kanti is defeated by Hellfire

thank you xenora meep.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


this bitch is extreme.
every morning when I wake up,

I bless the stars of Ifrit
with his 

Friday, July 13, 2012


seriously blow me.

yes please.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I just started Blacksmith.
I went in one day from level 1 to level 31.

isn't that just remarkable?
My next luminary project

while going after the relic Thyrus!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Double Whammy

two luminaries in a month!
that is quite amazing

spirit bonding 3

Oh my god you guys!
I'm almost there for spirit bonding for whitemage!

go go white mage power!

i'm sorry black mages, it is not that i dont like you.
its because white mage is dressed to kill, i mean heal.