Friday, February 28, 2014

i ride that shit

in this picture

me vs you

thats right, thats us.
what a sad story for you.

get on the floor. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

person@mall. why not call me

i asked that person
why not go on a date w/ me.
bitch laughed.
well, you know what. 


i saw someone cute
i stared.
I seriously want that someone.

better steal'em.
(call me plz)

2.2 armor

damn right-

im totally going to look better
in that armor-

than you will ever 

2.2 is almost here! time for more fabulous blogs!

hell yeah.
new 2.2 new gear!

i'm so exited! 
this time you can actually farm myth points now
and new tier synth!!