Saturday, November 19, 2016

As12 Part2

Good job everyone for team #cutiefly!

we are amazing and fun group! lets always stay together and have lots of fun.

i hope everyone's weapon drops soon! so we all can be happy!

please don't make fun of my UI.


lets always be happy. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Work it OverTime

As the Queen would say:
I require your attention, sometimes I'm just a bit lonely.

I would not be lonely if I had you to stare at.
Just keep it simple,
don't say anything;
you might ruin something precious.

however, I will keep going. 
I will not stop for anyone and anything. 
Just make sure when you promise me something, it will be something to look forward too.

make me happy-

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Execute Beautifully

It's been awhile since I have wrote
I did not disappear, well I lied I did.

I apologize my fans; hopefully I can get you guys back.

A lot of things happened
School is almost over (Bachelors)

Sho is now a female Au'Ra and she's beautiful.

I am now doing Alexander in the patch with my new static
They are all awesome.