How are you? I am extremely furious, How can i still have not have any internet!
I dont have a cellphone, nor internet?!
What type of life is this I feel so trapped and nothing else to do everyday
I have been crazy to do the homework and i have been traveling nonestop
to get internet from place to place, i believe my laptop is a whore
compared to touching every single WiFi that i have been kicked out
The best bet i have been able to use the internet has been my grandparents house
its been frustrating to the max since I have wasted so much gas and now i have
a punched tire and I am low on the funds!
i dont really let anything get to my head.
I have been feeling a bit sick lately with coughing but i really dont say anything.
What more can i wish for?
I have been playing FF13 and i actually caught up on the story, but
its still boring unlike ff11. I haven't had any chance to play since this whole
time chance of going around in the WiFi thats more of an adventure.
Oh, I didn't mention i gained 4 LB.
seriously, i feel like operating my self body and getting rid of the fat.
i'm such a drama queen in that point of view but what can i say..
I'm a prince, i have to look a little good for all my fans.
sitting on the most uncomfortable chair of my life, but what ever i'm stuck here.
what will tomorrow bring?
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